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We're helping make elections more accessible to people with disabilities

We believe democracy works best when more of us participate. And not just at election time. So when there was an opportunity to reduce the barriers facing people with disabilities trying to take part we threw our full support behind it.

The Election Access Bill was designed to make our elections more accessible by creating a fund that people running for parliament, political parties and other groups (like ours) can apply for to make sure their election materials (e.g posters, videos, events, flyers) are accessible to everyone.

The idea had unanimous support in its first vote in parliament, meaning it would be taken to select committee where it would receive public input. But we heard during that process there were some concerns about the cost.

We think there is nothing more valuable than ensuring our democracy is open and participatory so we asked you to make a submission supporting the bill.

196 members of the ActionStation community had their say! The resounding feedback was that the bill is a crucial step to enable people who are deaf or living with disabilities to have better access to the election process that shapes our country.

It was maybe best summed up by Mark from Morrinsville who said: “It's just common sense.”

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