Dr Emily Beasoleil

As a political theorist, Dr Beausoleil explores the conditions, challenges, and possibilities of democratic engagement in diverse societies, with a particular attention to the capacity for 'voice' and listening in conditions of inequality. Connecting affect, democratic theory, neuroscience, and the performing arts, her work responds to compelling calls to find new models for coalition and community by asking how we realise these ideals in concrete terms.
She is Editor-in-Chief for Democratic Theory Journal, Distinguished Global Associate of the Sydney Democracy Network, and Associate Investigator for the current Australian Research Centre grant ‘Democratic Resilience: The Public Sphere and Extremist Attacks.’ Current community collaborations include co-design of the nationwide anti-racism programme Tauiwi Tautoko, creation of a UNESCO-funded project to support youth-led dialogue following the 15th March Christchurch terror attacks, and collaboration with Barbarian Productions to bring the expertise of performing artists to bear on the design of civic dialogues regarding structural inequalities. Her work has been published in Political Theory, Contemporary Political Theory, Constellations, Conflict Resolution Quarterly, and Ethics & Global Politics, as well as various books.