Heather Came

Associate Professor Heather Came is a seventh generation Pākehā New Zealander. She has worked for 28 years in health promotion and public health and has a long involvement in social justice activism. Heather is a founding member and co-chair of STIR: Stop Institutional Racism, a fellow of the Health Promotion Forum, and chair of the AUT branch of the NZ Public Health Association. As an activist scholar she has prepared evidence for Waitangi Tribunal claims and has led shadow reports to various United Nations human rights committees and is co-convenor of Te Tiriti based futures: Anti-racism series of open-access virtual conferences. She is Head of Department of Public Health within Auckland University of Technology and recently won a Faculty Teaching Excellence Award. She is currently co-Principal Investigator on a Marsden Grant focussing on re-imaging anti-racism theory for health professionals. Her research focuses on critical policy analysis, Te Tiriti o Waitangi, anti-racism and institutional racism in health sector