Veronica Tawhai

Veronica Tawhai, from Ngāti Porou, Ngāti Uepohatu, is a mother of three living in the lands of Rangitane in the Manawatu. She works as a senior lecturer in policy and politics at Te Pūtahi a Toi (School of Māori Knowledges, Massey University) and as a Te Ata Kura Educator delivering Te Tiriti o Waitangi wānanga. She is a founding member of Te Ata Kura (Society for Conscientisation) and between 2012-2017 coordinated the Matike Mai Aotearoa Rangatahi Youth for Constitutional Transformation project.
Her PhD research examined best practices in teaching and learning about Indigeneity and the implications for citizenship education in settler colonial societies, the findings of which offer educators guidelines on how to contribute to conscientisation / knowledge for transformative action on matters such as Te Tiriti justice.