Supercharge your tauiwi-tanga

Everything you've always wanted to know about honouring Te Tiriti without hassling (your) Māori (friends) 😛😛😛
This webinar is a follow up to:" Real Talk: How do we honour Te Tiriti in the now", where we heard from four incredible Māori speakers, who urged Tangata Tiriti (non-Māori who are here by virtue of Te Tiriti o Waitangi) to lean on and learn from other Tangata Tiriti role models.
Pākehā and tauiwi role models will highlight different pathways to being in right relation to Te Tiriti, answer your burning questions and offer actions you can take in your own journey.
This webinar will be facilitated by Alanna Irving in conversation with:
Dr Emily Beausoleil, Senior Political Lecturer at VUW, Co-Founder of Tauiwi Tautoko
Catherine Delahunty from Kōtare - Research and Education for Social Change.
Heather Came, Associate Professor AUT, co-chair STIR: Stop Institutional Racism
Lincoln Dam,Te Puna Wānanga, University of Auckland
Erin Thomas from Tauiwi Mō Matike Mai and People Against Prisons Aotearoa (PAPA)
Helena Mayer from Check Your Pākehā Privilege
Register here to attend. You will be sent a Zoom event invite and a reminder after we receive your registration.
We have received over a 1000 registrations already so have decided to host a Facebook live as well in case we go over Zoom capacity and you are having trouble accessing the webinar.
Kia ora!