Find your people

Groups and initiatives we heard about on our "supercharge your tauiwi-tanga" webinar
Work from the grassroots with your people in an area of your interest and grow your sphere of interest.
ActionStation Tautoko fb group - a group for people who take effective action to decolonise and indigenise Aotearoa New Zealand and who support each other in our learning
STIR / Stop Institutional Racism - social movement committed to te Tiriti o Waitangi and exposing and ending institutional racism in the health system Google sign up to volunteer at their upcoming conference
TmMMA ( Tauiwi mō Matike Mai) fb group - a forum for building the movement of tauiwi (non-Māori) supporting treaty-based constitutional transformation as envisaged by Matike Mai Aotearoa
TmMMA pākehātanga facebook group
Helena Mayer's webpage
Google form to offer help
Open source tauiwi tautoko course -
ASTR - Asians Supporting Tino Rangatiratanga
E-Tangata - online magazine (Read and share their content and/or become a regular donor)