
Read Fairer Future's 'A Thousand Cuts' report
There has been significant attention paid to particular policy announcements by the National-led government between the 2023 election and 2024 Budget, and some (albeit limited) attention paid to the impact of these announcements on the most marginalised people in our communities in Aotearoa New Zealand. What has been missing has been analysis of the cumulative impact of cuts and decisions, which impose particular burdens on disabled people. That is the focus of this short report.

Read our handbook for action on better reporting on Palestine in Aotearoa
This handbook provides information and tools to help you take action to shift journalism in Aotearoa and empower those making decisions in newsrooms to tell the story of Palestine with courage, contextual accuracy and fairness.

Read the Seven Steps for a Fairer Future Action Plan
In the lead up to Budget 2022, the Fairer Future collaboration published and released a seven step action plan to address poverty in Aotearoa using the levers within our welfare system. The plan included updated modelling showing how much income support levels need to increase to ensure people can meet their living costs. At the time of release the plan was endorsed by 36 diverse and powerful organisations from throughout the country.

Read the People’s Report on Online Hate, Harassment and Abuse
The People’s Report on Online Hate and Harassment and Abuse is a 2018 research collaboration between ActionStation, Marianne Elliott, Co Director of The Workshop and Judith Sligo, a Senior Research Fellow in the Department of Preventive and Social Medicine
at the University of Otago.
This research seeks to better understand the impact of online hate, harassment and abuse on
everyday New Zealanders. We put it into the world to add to the growing body of evidence
demonstrating that the New Zealand government and the tech corporations, which now
permeate so much of our lives, urgently need to do more to protect us online.

Check out the results of our survey of Māori and Pasifika perspectives on armed police
We asked 1,155 Māori and Pasifika people for their whakaaro on police being armed with guns. What we heard couldn't be more clear. 85% did not support the police having guns, and 92% agreed we need to prioritise alternative ways of keeping people safe - like trauma and culture-informed health and mental health professionals being availible and on-call 24/7.
People in Aotearoa need a guarantee that police will not be routinely armed in the future, to ensure our communities can thrive.

Read our report on renters' rights
The 2017 election year started with housing high on the agenda. Debate abounded about Auckland house prices and millennials spending too much on avocado on toast. Yet there was little mention of the almost half of the population who rent. Our report with Renters United sought to change that by gathering the perspectives of more than 600 renters.
What has changed for renters since then?
- The Residential Tenancies Amendment Act came into force in February 2021.
- Changes to the healthy homes standards came into force in May 2022. This includes changes to the heating, ventilation, and moisture ingress and drainage standards.
- Letting fees have been abolished.

Read Te Ira Tangata
Te Ira Tāngata (‘the human blueprint’) was co-created in 2017 by a community of 180,000 people who have, in all sorts of different ways, helped to build ActionStation.
This agenda calls on those who hold political power, and those who want our votes, towards a more inspired and inspiring vision of what our country can and must be in the future: a fairer
place where all people, and the creatures and wild places we love, can flourish.
In essence it talks about what we want Aotearoa New Zealand to be like in 2040, 200 years since the Treaty of Waitangi was first signed ; and the policy changes needed to make this happen.

Read the report that helped spark the mental health inquiry
Our *People’s Mental Health Report* received widespread media coverage in 2017, and helped create the political conditions for the mental health inquiry. Since then, the Government has invested $2.9B in mental health, and the Mental Health and Wellbeing Commission has been established - both recommendations of the inquiry, and our report.

Read our report: They’re Our Whānau
They’re Our Whānau is a research collaboration between ActionStation and the University of Otago that sought Māori perspectives on the justice system. It tells the perspective of over 900 Māori survey participants, seven experts through interview, and reviews previous studies in this area.
Māori voices and views must take prominence in transforming our justice system to make it compassionate, evidence-based, and Tiriti-honouring.

Our taiohi (young person) powered vision for the future
Between 20 July and 7 August 2018, ActionStation gathered the views of more than 1,000 young people (aged 12 - 24) and a handful of youth workers and policy experts on wellbeing. Find out what we learned.

Read our report on why we need to transform our welfare system
In good times and in hard times, we should all have the dignity and security of a roof over our head, healthy kai on the table and the essential things we need.
A stable whare (house) is the foundation for a good life. None of us can go about our lives, raise a family, go to work or stay healthy without a warm, dry and safe place to call home.
This is a crowdsourced story-based report that we created with Child Poverty Action Group on the need to transform and reform our welfare system so all children and whānau flourish.

Read our report on funding for sexual violence prevention and support services
This research started with the premise that every person, from every community and background, should have access to sexual violence support and healing services when and where they need it, and that prevention needed to be prioritised. In a country with rates of sexual abuse as devastating as ours, we cannot accept anything less.
It was an urgent call to increase funding for sexual violence and support services in Budget 2019 - where a $320 million increase was secured, thanks to remarkable advocacy from so many.

Read our report on public media and broadcasting
A crowdfunded, people-powered review into the current state, and future prospects, of public interest broadcasting and media in Aotearoa New Zealand.