
Together for Te Tiriti
Te Tiriti o Waitangi benefits everyone in Aotearoa but is currently under threat from a raft of policies that actively harm the relationship between Māori and the Crown, and take us further away from the commitments made in Te Tiriti. Now’s the time to get together for Te Tiriti to keep our country moving forward for an Aotearoa we can all be proud of.

Dental for All
Good oral health is essential for wellbeing and should be part of our public health system. Currently, 40% of adults cannot afford dental care. We call for free and universal oral healthcare in Aotearoa, upholding Māori rights to tino rangatiratanga and ensuring everyone can access the care they need.

Public Housing Futures
A great home gives us good health, the ability to contribute to our communities, and care for ourselves and our loved ones. It’s no secret our housing system locks far too many people out of that reality. Successive governments have under-invested in public homes, and supported policies that widen the gap between those profiting from the housing system, and those locked out of it. But what if it didn’t have to be this way? What if there were interventions we could make now to steer us on a path toward safe, stable, sustainable homes for everyone? Public housing is infrastructure for care, connection, and contribution. We need the Government to look after all of our long-term wellbeing by making a significant investment in building, buying, and acquiring more public homes - for the people. ActionStation has teamed up with Public Housing Futures to work on a public housing campaign. More info to be announced.

For a fairer future free from poverty
We all want people in our communities to be thriving and happy. For everyone - kids, adults, and elders - to have what they need to build joyful, connected lives. But for decades people in government have neglected key public services that help low income families. ActionStation is leading a powerful collaboration building the momentum needed to ensure equality and eliminating poverty is on top of the political agenda. So far we have helped achieve the largest increase to income support in a generation - but there is still much more to do.
Find out more on our dedicated fairerfuture website.

Climate Justice
ActionStation approaches climate change through a climate justice lens. This treats climate change as a social and political issue, acknowledging its origins in systems of colonialism and capitalism that affect certain communities and places more than others, both now and in the past. Solutions grounded in climate justice dismantle these toxic systems and replace them with new ways of being and relating that are led by frontline communities. Climate justice is achieved through working for collective liberation across class, gender, sexuality, ethnicity, age and culture to enable the flourishing of people and place.
ActionStation is collaborating with Māori experts, Ngāti Toa Rangatira and communities in Te Whanganui a Tara to pilot a local climate justice campaign.

Catch up on the Tautoko Webinar Series
In 2021 a year marked by Covid and lockdowns, we created a series of webinars on different kaupapa (issues) and their associated campaigns led by Māori and tauiwi (non-Māori).
They were a chance to come together and learn, meet the people behind petitions and to tautoko different kaupapa.
These were the five topics:
- Real Talk: How do we honour Te Tiriti in the now?
- Health and Wellbeing: Tuning into the Māori Health Authority
- End Streaming
- Returning to the River: Te Mana o te Wai Te Matau a Māui (Hawkes Bay)
- Supercharge your Tauiwi-tanga
Pathways to action were provided during and post all five webinars, find out more on our dedicated Tautoko website.

Teach New Zealand and Te Tiriti history to adults
Let's build an Aotearoa where we all learn NZ’s history, te reo is taught and celebrated widely and Tiriti is honoured
Together we can ensure ensure that all New Zealanders are taught about local hapū and iwi history, the context and content of Te Tiriti o Waitangi, colonisation and its impacts.

Watch a dispatch from the future: A message from 2040
We collaborated with JustSpeak and OpenLabs to depict this story of how we get from where we are now, to becoming a society that gives everyone what they need while caring for each other and the planet. Where everyone has a roof over their head, food on the table, and time to spend with loved ones. A future where we build communities, not prisons.
And where on Waitangi Day 2040 - 200 years after the signing of Te Tiriti - we're closing the last prison for good.

Find out what life is like for families on low-incomes
Liz, Sam and Jack are a typical Kiwi family. Liz works full-time caring for Jack, while Sam does full-time paid work. Their second child is due in a few months. They're over the moon, but they also know there will be a lot of hard work and tough choices ahead.
Will you help guide them through it using this interactive tool?